Saturday, December 12, 2009

im like kanye west with a little less cash and slightly less retarded

iPolitik. you heard it here first.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

this is what it looks like from the other side.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

going along with the world and catching the crazy. if my camera had a flash i could show you what i mean.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

two very confused trees. hope everybody has been enjoying the nice weather. this blog will be making a come back if only to satisfy two wise women i know. stay classy, america. bullets before bread: coming soon.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

I drew this while on the train in an effort to discourage strangers from thinking i was a suitable seat mate. Had the row to myself the entire trip.

Friday, October 9, 2009

So... pennsylvania apparently has a budget now. Cause for celebration? Maybe like when we celebrated the end of slavery, or certain events pre-cold war. I would like to see a photoshop of Rendell with a "mission accomplished" banner hanging off the rotunda.

This is certainly cause for something... perhaps revolution? None of that communist noise though tho'. Salomon for Senate. PA Pride Party. Libertarian values with a healthy dose of compassionate moral relativism. Its the new black.


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Saturday, October 3, 2009

SisterFist at Johnson's in Annville. Rockin' times. Can't believe the stingy proprietors of Johnson's charged us a 2 dollar cover to watch our friends rock out. At the very least, two dollars should have covered reserving the room so that the two large families taking up all the seats in the "stage" area. Signs of the times i guess. Check out la vie online footage for some footage from the Sisterfist show. Also exclusive interviews with band members kyle, robbie, and andy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Just watched the family guy season premier. Props to the Sliders homage. And the jab at religion.

Lost a minor debate tonight. Nothing serious, just a discussion on the niceities of defining certain words. Didnt balance the argument properly. Might be the lack of sleep, but i see a connection between balancing math equations and crafting a rational argument.

Anyway, the picture is the official studio where all that This is America thing happens. News commentary for the discerning college student. In the process of switching the pilot out for a new and improved (read: heavily edited) pilot. same topic, half the size. check it out:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Its a beautiful fall day today. Clear skies, an early sunset, and waning trees helped along by intermittent gusts from the North. These times they are 'a changing, and so is the weather. If you're reading this, you should shut off the machine and enjoy the fair weather before it turns to grey and biting cold.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Zelazowa in the Lizard Lounge: Lancaster Rocks

Zelazowa playing the chameleon club lizard lounge in dear Lancaster. one of my top PA bands, hands down. hailing from the philly area, zelazowa has toured both the north east and over the pond in europe. they have earned a respectable following both in the region and overseas. catchy vocals, delicously smooth guitar riffs, and balls out vocals make zelazowa an impressive entry in the alt rock scene.

Introducing Gonzo 2.0.

decided to take the blog in a new direction. its time that i actually do something with this url. i now present to you the new fNl in the 21st: gonzo 2.0. by making judicious use of my qwerty cell phone and the ridiculous new ways that we can link techno-gadgets, i can now publish my vitriol from anywhere in this great nation. stay tuned and check back often, because i see a lot of crazy shit and it often gets hilarious... or downright weird.